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Twilight – Stephenie Meyer.

Title: Twilight

Author: Stephenie Meyer

Format: Paperback

Publication Date: 26 Feb 2005

Page Count: 513

Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal, Urban

Rating:download (1)



‘When 17 year old Isabella Swan moves to Forks, Washington to live with her father she expects that her new life will be as dull as the town.

But in spite of her awkward manner and low expectations, she finds that her new classmates are drawn to this pale, dark-haired new girl in town. But not, it seems, the Cullen family. These five adopted brothers and sisters obviously prefer their own company and will make no exception for Bella.

Bella is convinced that Edward Cullen in particular hates her, but she feels a strange attraction to him, although his hostility makes her feel almost physically ill. He seems determined to push her away – until, that is, he saves her life from an out of control car.

Bella will soon discover that there is a very good reason for Edward’s coldness. He, and his family, are vampires – and he knows how dangerous it is for others to get too close.’ 


Twilight. Twilight. Twilight.

This book was life when i was younger. I literally breathed Twilight for months, no fuck that, years. I breathed it for years. I’ve re-read this book and the others in the Saga so many times. And the movies, Oh my lord. Perfection! Save me Jesus.. i legit died when they came out.

So the books start with Isabella Swan having to move to Forks to live with her Father. She then goes on to meet Edward Cullen and his family. Edward is an awkward fuck, he’s legit a weirdo and kinda creepy. With all that staring.

“Bella, you’re going to be fine. Can you hear me, Bella? I love you.”

Bella becomes obsessed with him. He is literally all she goes on about, so when him and his family doesn’t show up to school whenever is sunny, she starts to wonder why. She then figures out what he is.. I’ve got to say i that i have never read or seen in a movie a Vampire who shines in the sun. Like the sparkle is real.

“I’m not thirsty today, honestly.”

Shit then goes down and she almost dies and other drama. I loved it when i was young and i still love it now, its one of those books that is amazing no matter how many times you read it. Its such a sweet read and i will recommend it to everyone. You wont regret reading this one, well unless you’re miserable. Jokes. I’ve seen so many bad reviews and i do believe its one of those books that you either love or hate, kinda like Marmite. I Hate Marmite.

Twilight fan 4 Ever.

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